
Using Appropriate Learning StrategiesBlock (B)02.05.2024Präsenz/Online gemischtLöffler
Effective team learningSeminar (S)16.04.2024PräsenzRapp, Löffler
Self-management with the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM®)Block (B)13.09.2024OnlineOnkes
Stressmanagement and Learning SkillsBlock (B)23.04.2024OnlineKoudela-Hamila
Stress and Time Management Block (B)11.06.2024PräsenzSchnaubelt
Stress and Time Management Block (B)09.09.2024PräsenzSchnaubelt
Building resilience and personal strengthBlock (B)01.06.2024PräsenzStoll
Building resilience and personal strengthBlock (B)04.09.2024PräsenzStoll
Introduction to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)Block (B)26.04.2024PräsenzRied
Dealing with stress and strainBlock (B)13.09.2024OnlinePiskol
Mindful instead of mind full: Learn to use mindfulness as a tool for a successful academic kickoffBlock (B)28.06.2024PräsenzMöllers
Mindful Minutes for StudentsBlock (B)28.05.2024OnlineBubbnik
Strategies to Overcome ProcrastinationSeminar (S)25.04.2024Präsenz/Online gemischtLöffler
Mindset as a failure/success factor: When our way of thinking can make the difference during our studiesBlock (B)26.04.2024OnlineMüller-Hotop
Emotional competence: Why all emotions are important and how we can learn to use themBlock (B)07.06.2024OnlineMüller-Hotop
Motivation – The Key to Effective LearningSeminar (S)10.06.2024OnlineBoychev
Understanding motivation and developing motivational competenceBlock (B)07.06.2024OnlineMüller-Hotop
Living Balance – a AOK-Program to encourage the mental HealthSeminar (S)06.05.2024PräsenzWeber
Self-Management and Work & Study Techniques Tagesworkshop (TW)22.06.2024PräsenzMandausch
Mindfulness Practice DayTagesworkshop (TW)29.06.2024PräsenzRied
Emotion regulation – how I face performance pressure and perfectionism in studiesTagesworkshop (TW)07.06.2024PräsenzNeusius

Learing: Learning at university is characterised by a high degree of personal responsibility in the learning process. In order to fulfil this requirement, students need various self-regulation skills. This includes learning strategies as well as learning and time management techniques, motivational strategies, strategies for coping with stress, as well as cognitive and emotion-regulating techniques that help, for example, to organise oneself, to overcome procrastination (postponement behaviour) or to survive exam situations or situations with increased pressure to perform well. The aim here is to be able to face the challenges of studying with confidence and to be aware of one’s own goals. With the help of learning analytics, students in the learning lab are able to observe, record and reflect on their learning process and ultimately modulate it with customised techniques.

The Lernlabor at the House of Competence coordinates and scientifically monitors the learning focus. Findings from educational and applied psychology as well as sports science help to ensure that scientifically sound insights are incorporated into our seminar concepts. More


Learning advice

The learning advice service is the first point of contact for questions relating to student learning and working.

Perspective advice

Counselling and coaching services during personal orientation phases or as part of your own personal development

(Online booking only avaiable for Learning and Writing Advice)

Presentation advice

Win over your audience with an appealing and convincing presentation!

Writing advice

Writing counselling offers the opportunity to discuss texts and check them for stylistic and formal errors.