Survey advice (survey@KIT)

The survey counselling service at the HoC Methods Lab offers students the opportunity to discuss problems in the course of creating and conducting surveys with specially trained tutors and thus work out solutions together.

Frequently asked questions in the free survey counselling are

  • How do I plan and structure a survey?
  • How do I avoid survey mistakes?
  • Which types of questions are suitable for which research interest?
  • How do I implement my questions with the Unipark software (free of charge for KIT students)?
  • How do I comply with the data protection guidelines?


Answers to these and other questions can be clarified in the online counselling service.

The offer is aimed at KIT students of all disciplines. The tutors are trained to help you create surveys and use the Unipark software, which KIT students can use free of charge as part of their degree programme. Our counselling is available in German or English.

We treat all information from the counselling sessions confidentially.

Counselling takes place online. Please log in to MS Teams with your student account for the appointment. You will then be called by the tutors.

Seminar papers and final theses must be written independently by students; this also includes the content of the associated survey. This means that tutors are not allowed to create or analyse surveys. Any errors and suggestions for improvement are discussed together in the counselling session so that you can then apply them to your entire thesis.

The survey consultation can be booked individually for half an hour (see below). Follow-up appointments can only be arranged after the currently booked appointment has been completed. Double bookings will be cancelled.

Information on the online course:

The survey@KIT project team (ZML, STS/QM and HoC/Methods Lab) also supervises the survey@KIT online course – a modular system of learning material and e-tutorials focussing on online surveys. Registration is possible at any time at: survey@KIT