Doing research: organised, reflective, creative

Title Type Start Format Lecturer Registration
Using Creativity Effectively – Basis and Methods of Successful Creative Work Tagesworkshop (TW) 16.11.2024 Online Eberhardt
Project Management for Informatics Master’s Students Block (B) 14.11.2024 Präsenz/Online gemischt Dr. Lehr
Knowledge and Project Management for Students in Electronical Engineering (integrated into the course “Labor Regelungsdesign”) Seminar (S) 25.10.2024 Präsenz/Online gemischt Dr. Schindler
Online Collaboration & Agile Teamwork Tagesworkshop (TW) 05.11.2024 Online Dr. Lehr
ARS REFLECTIONIS. Thinking and Acting Responsibly in Engineering, Science, and Innovation Block (B) 28.10.2024 Online Does, Krüger
Data Literacy: Artificial Intelligence in Society, Research and Business – Potentials and Challenges Block (B) 08.11.2024 Online Prof. Dr. Müller
Data Literacy: Basics of Empirical Research Tagesworkshop (TW) 17.01.2025 Präsenz Prof. Dr. Mäs, Dr. Kunz
Data Literacy: Introduction to R for Data Analyses Block (B) 20.11.2024 Präsenz Dr. phil. Batzdorfer
Data Literacy: Introduction to git Tagesworkshop (TW) 02.11.2024 Präsenz Simson
Data Literacy: Advanced git Tagesworkshop (TW) 04.11.2024 Präsenz Simson
Data Literacy: Introduction into Qualitative Research Tagesworkshop (TW) 22.11.2024 Präsenz Dr. Kunz
Data Literacy: Systematising Data – Understanding and applying techniques of qualitative content analysis Tagesworkshop (TW) 07.02.2025 Präsenz Stamann
Data Literacy: Developing and Implementing Online Surveys Tagesworkshop (TW) 07.11.2024 Präsenz Prof. Dr. Mäs, Herrmann
The future of democracy Seminar (S) 14.11.2024 Präsenz Prof. Dr. Mäs

Doing research: organised, reflective, creative: Personal project work and research projects are as much a part of studying as coffee and mate tea. To ensure that (research) projects are successful and fun, we help KIT students to combine their specialist knowledge with key skills and the famous ability to think outside the box. We combine our research experience and scientific findings from the social sciences and humanities with the entire range of subjects at KIT. Many of our courses are interlinked with specialised events.

Our topics include:

  • Digital & Data Literacy: Qualitative & quantitative research methods, research data management, research ethics, handling software (e.g. git, R, MaxQDA)
  • Technology ethics & critical thinking
  • Project management & teamwork
  • Creativity methods



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