
Dear international students, welcome at HoC!
HoC is your point of reference for key competencies. We assist you throughout your studies. We offer around 100 seminars and workshops every semester – divided in five sections of focus:
- The section “Lernen” (Learning) is all about time and self-management, learning and working techniques, and effective exam preparation.
- “Präsentieren und Kommunizieren” (Presentation and Communication) covers how to communicate in general and how to hold an academic presentation. A quick tip: Some places in the courses on intercultural communication are reserved for participants of the International Students Office’s buddy program.
- “Forschen: organisiert, reflektiert, kreativ” (Doing research: organized, reflected and creative) is about how to develop your own research ideas, how to organize projects, how to deal with data and privacy protection and what ethical research means.
- “Schreiben” (Writing) deals with writing skills, e.g. how to structure a paper, how to use citations correctly and what good research practice is all about.
- “Zukunft gestalten” (Shaping the future) allows you to discover yourself and your life path, and explore leadership and new alternatives – important aspects of a promising and balanced career.
Our courses and our advice are free for students. Many courses also yield ECTS credits, and they can be credited as key competency or additional accomplishment. The seminars are usually held in German. Next to the seminars, advice is offered for most of the sections.
To find what you need in your specific case, please do not hesitate to approach our International Affairs team. We will support you in English as well as German for issues like course registration, content-related questions or simply finding the right course in HoC’s teaching and advising portfolio. Contact us via email:
Here is a selection of our courses to give you a better idea of our program
Courses and advice regarding learning and study techniques:
- Online course Lern- und Arbeitstechniken für das Studium (learning and study techniques): Studying requires a high degree of organizational capability and independence. In the different modules of this course, you can familiarize yourself with helpful techniques for time and self-management, try out learning techniques, learn how to avoid the procrastination of tasks, and start to deliberately prepare for the exam phase. Use the following link to join the course (no registration needed): Link
- Learning advice (in english): In an individual conversation, our trained learning advisors offer advice relating to learning for students. How do I plan my learning times realistically? What is the best way to take notes during a lecture? How can I structure and connect my knowledge? How do I motivate myself to study? For more information, visit Learning advice
Courses and advice regarding presentation skills:
- Online course Wissenschaftliches Präsentieren (scientific presentation): In this course you will learn how to create a successful scientific presentation in 7 steps. You will get a number of tips and exercises to improve your skills to create a presentation. The course has a clear structure, simple language and provides material to look up the specifics any time. Use the following link to join the course (no registration needed): Link
- Advice on presentations: Trained tutors are ready to support you in preparing a presentation. Your questions can range from “what are the basics of any presentation?” and “how do I structure a scientific presentation?” to “how do I deal with being nervous?” and “how do I maintain a confident appearance?” For more information, visit Präsentationsberatung.
Courses and advice regarding academic writing and good research practice:
Writing advice:
This is where you get support for academic writing in German and English: Appointment booking.
Writing related Courses:
- Online course Wissenschaftssprache (scientific language): Scientific language is subject to certain rules that vary depending on the type of text and discipline. In the online course you will deal intensively with the concept of scientific language and its practical application. Writing exercises and individual feedback on your own texts round off the course offerings. In this course you can earn 2-3 ECTS. Registration
You can find various freely accessible online courses on the KIT Open Courses portal. These courses were developed by Schreiblabor in cooperation with the KIT Library.
- Online course Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis and Online course Good Research Practice: Students are expected to know and adhere to the recommendations regarding good research practice. This course demonstrates what is important when practicing research. Multiple examples help reducing the fear of accidental mistakes.
- Online course Recherchekompetenzen (scientific research competencies): Finding scientifically appropriate sources requires more than a simple Google search. This course teaches the relevant skills for scientific research, evaluating sources, and knowledge management.
- Online course Schreib- und Textkompetenzen (scientific writing competencies): Here you will get the necessary tips and tools to successfully write an academic text. The course transfers information about text structure, style of writing, citation standards, and therefore also helps preventing plagiarism.
- Online Course Publizieren in der Wissenschaft (publishing in science): This online course is aimed at advanced students, doctoral candidates and young researchers who are at the beginning of their academic career and have little experience in publishing research results. You will learn how and where to publish your scientific contributions and data.
The Sprachenzentrum at KIT also offers various courses on scientific writing: Offer