Impulse workshops Future perspectives

The 1.5-hour mini-workshops on current topics and issues take place once a month. Next date: Thu, 24.10.24, 17.00-18.30: Selbstmitgefühl – Sei für Dich da, wenn Du Dich brauchst!

The series of mini-workshops will continue in 2024 with new and familiar topics: These mini-workshops are an invitation to open up to new ideas and topics or current issues and to engage in dialogue with others in an informal atmosphere. Each of the 1.5-hour events with small groups focuses on a different topic. At the beginning, the participants receive a brief impulse on the respective topic, followed by an exchange of ideas and – if desired – work on concrete steps to implement a new project. The mini-workshops can be attended individually. Your registration will help us with the planning, but you can also come along spontaneously.

More information and an overview of all currently planned events can be found on the ‘Perspectives advice’ page