
Discover your strengths, unfold your potential

| LVNr.: 9005106 | Tagesworkshop (TW)
Format: Präsenz
Freie Plätze: 1
DozentIn: Schnaubelt, Manuela

Derzeit keine Anmeldung möglich!

Anmeldezeitraum Losverfahren: 11.10.24 (12 Uhr) –
15.10.24 (12 Uhr)

Bei freien Plätzen – Anmeldung möglich bis:
03.11.24 08:00 UHR

We all share the desire to be happy, to experience joy and to feel comfortable, or – translated into the language of Positive Psychology – to “flourish”. But the stresses and strains of our daily lives with a wide range of expectations and pressureoften make this a challenge and result in a feeling of dissatisfaction. We lose focus on what makes us happy and strong, what increases our wellbeing and contributes to a positive life experience.

This workshop is an invitation to engage with what “happiness” and “a successful life” mean to you personally and how you can better take care of your own satisfaction and wellbeing.

Based on the theoretical background of Positive Psychology – the science of a successful and fulfilled life – and personal reflection, you will get the opportunity to discover and use your strengths, reflect your emotions, and find your sources of joy and happiness in order to develop the possibility to use and refinethem in your daily life.

Workload for ECTS:

1 ECTS: Active participation in the workshop as well as a short personal report on the workshop topics.



With my background as business administrator, trainer for stress/time management and mindfulness, systemic coach as well as Positive Psychology Practitioner, I offer seminars for stress management, life balance and personal development as well as individual coaching. My great passion is Positive Psychology, my sources of inspiration are my family, nature, books and good conversations.

04.11.2024 09:00 Uhr – 04.11.2024 17:00 Uhr (50.41 Raum 145/146)