
Design projects together, learn together, write texts collaboratively or develop new insights and approaches with others – the HoC has designed this space for you.

Find learning partners here and exchange ideas about the right method for your upcoming project. You can join existing public working groups or use a private workspace for your next group work, which is pre-configured according to your needs.

Our premise is: don’t study alone, study together.

Public workspaces

Research, learn and work together with other students in open communities

Private workspaces

Open up your own private workspace for you and your team.

Learning partner exchange

Search & find learning partners at KIT

The learning partner exchange is an offer of the Lernlabor. Find out more about the Lernlabor

The Methods Community is an offer of the Methodenlabor. Find out more about the Methodenlabor

The method community

Become part of the methods community, the place where students help each other with their research projects.

Here you can post questions, e.g: I am conducting a survey. What do I need to consider in terms of data protection? Can anyone recommend software for transcribing interviews?

You can draw on the knowledge of the community and make your own contributions, moderated by the HoC methods lab.


Your space for rest and relaxation, meetings and dialogue