Registration period lottery:
11.10.24 (12 noon) –
15.10.24 (12 noon)
If places are available – registration possible until: 03.11.24 08:00 UHR
Throughout the last few years, git has established itself as the de facto standard for version control. It’s being used in many fields beyond just computer science and has become a requirement for many jobs. Git enables easy collaboration on projects and allows traveling through time, to better understand and potentially revert changes if the need arises.
In this workshop participants will build upon their existing knowledge and familiarize themselves with the advanced usage of git. Topics such as Trunk-Based Development as well as CI / CD pipelines will be covered using practical tasks and examples. The following topics will be covered (among other things):
– Different strategies for merging of branches
– Trunk-based Development
– Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
– A high-level understanding of git, especially in regards to branching
– Practical git commands beyond the “standard vocabulary”
Learning Goals:
Students will…
– Feel secure in their usage of git for local tracking as well as collaboration
– Have a feeling as to how git commands change the state of a repository
– Know concepts such as trunk-based development and CI/CD and will be aware of the benefits and downsides
– Be able to configure and create a CI / CD pipeline with a git provider
– Be able to use practical git commands beyond the “standard vocabulary”
Expectations / Preparation:
Important: This workshop is intended as a follow-up course to “Data-Literacy: Introduction to git” and basic git knowledge is expected as a preruiquisite. There will be a small intro again at the beginning, but for total newcomers the introduction course will be better suited. It is possible and encouraged to take part in both courses one after the other.
Students are expected to…
– Have basic knowledge of using git already (see the first paragraph in this section)
– Bring their own laptops to the workshop to take part in the interactive tasks
– Install git, sourcetree and visual studio code on their machines ahead of time (if problems are encountered, we’ll resolve them at the beginning of the workshop, but please try to install all)
Link Git: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
Link Sourcetree: https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/
Link Visual Studio Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/
– Create an account at GitHub
Link: https://github.com/
- Set up authentication with GitHub
Link to a guide for setup via SSH:
Work Expenditure:
1 ECTS: Active participation in the workshop as well as preparation for the course and completion of the transfer assignment(s) after the course.
Jan Simson is a trained IT specialist, psychologist and behavioral data scientist. He is currently doing his PhD in Social Data Science at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich. Thanks to his many years of experience with git in both industry and research, he can optimally support students in mastering the use of git.
04.11.2024 09:00 Uhr – 04.11.2024 18:00 Uhr (30.95 Seminarraum Forum)