Event details

Presentation Training for Informatics Master’s Students

| LVNr.: 9002032 | Block (B)
Format: Präsenz/Online gemischt
Free places: 0
Lecturer: Kunz, Alexa
Jüttner, Birgit

Currently no registration possible!

Registration period lottery:

11.10.24 (12 noon) –

15.10.24 (12 noon)

If places are available – registration possible until:
Currently not possible

This micromodule accompanies the students as part of the course “Practical Research” and offers the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the basics of presenting (structure, design, different types of presentations, non-verbal and para-verbal aspects, giving and receiving feedback, etc.). The aim is to familiarize students with the basics of presenting (structure, design, different types of presentations, non-verbal and paraverbal aspects, giving and receiving feedback, etc.) and to gain their own experience in the area of presentations. In this way, an awareness of the preparation of presentations appropriate to the subject and audience is to be created. In addition, students will work specifically on their own presentation style.


Workload for ECTS:

1 ECTS: Active participation incl. giving a short presentation


Admission requirements:

Participation in the course is only possible in combination with the specialist course “Praxis der Forschung”.



Birgit Jüttner is a vocational teacher (M.A.) and occupational therapist. Since 2009, she has been working for a small IT company in Karlsruhe, where she is responsible for training, consulting and support (mainly) in the office area as well as the editorial preparation of specialist publications. She also has experience in interviewing, time management, job application and motivation training from previous areas of work. At HoC she offers professional

05.12.2024 14:00 Uhr – 05.12.2024 19:00 Uhr (Fakultät für Informatik)
12.12.2024 14:00 Uhr – 12.12.2024 18:00 Uhr (Fakultät für Informatik)