Event details

Understanding motivation and developing motivational competence

| LVNr.: 9001022 | Block (B)
Format: Online
Free places: 0
Lecturer: Müller-Hotop, Raphael

Currently no registration possible!

Registration period lottery:

11.10.24 (12 noon) –

15.10.24 (12 noon)

If places are available – registration possible until:
Currently not possible

What exactly is motivation? Why am I sometimes motivated for something and other times not? Does my motivation have anything to do with my performance? And how exactly is my motivation related to the achievement of my goals?

In this seminar you will learn to understand (your) motivation and how it is related not only to your performance and goals, but more importantly to your mental health. You will develop what is called in psychology “motivational competence”, a key competence for anyone who wants to take charge of their learning behavior, their development, ultimately the shaping of their own life path.

Workload for ECTS:

2 ECTS: After each of the three online sessions, participants will have to work on a logbook and hand it in before the start of the following session.



Raphael Müller-Hotop is a psychologist and psychotherapist in training. He works as a coach and teaches scientific findings on the topics of mindset, motivation, self-leadership, emotional intelligence and stress competence in seminars. In addition to his self-employment, he works at Klinikum Fünfseenland near Munich.

10.01.2025 09:00 Uhr – 10.01.2025 13:00 Uhr (Online)
17.01.2025 09:00 Uhr – 17.01.2025 13:00 Uhr (Online)
24.01.2025 09:00 Uhr – 24.01.2025 13:00 Uhr (Online)