Event details

Web-Based Seminar on Information Skills

| LVNr.: 9004038 | Seminar (S)
Format: Online
Free places: 0
Lecturer: Clauss, Daniela
Kwaśnicki, Alexandra

Currently no registration possible!

Registration period lottery:

11.10.24 (12 noon) –

15.10.24 (12 noon)

If places are available – registration possible until:
Currently not possible

This interdisciplinary online course is aimed at students without previous experience in the area of information search competences.

Contents and exercises are provided on the learning platform Ilias. Personal meetings for advisory purposes can be arranged when needed. Participants will be enabled to work through all tests of the self-study course and to complete and submit the corresponding exercise form.

Please note the following information for the winter semester 2024/25:

The online course starts on October 28, 2024 on Ilias. The participants will receive an introductory email on that day with all important information about the registration.

Short description of the course contents:

The online course Information Search Competences teaches the basics of a scientific information search – from the preparation and conduct to its analysis and the management of the discovered sources. Using clear case examples and integrative tests, you will learn the different steps of the search process and exercise the use of different search tools and strategies, find out more about the functions and use of suitable search instruments, and get a first insight into topics like literature management, assessing the contents of a source, and successful time management.

Work Expenditure:

1 ECTS: Exercises of the self-study course and completion and submission of the corresponding exercise form.

2 ECTS: Exercises of the self-study course, completion and submission of the corresponding exercise form and the completion of further exercises for the course.


Daniela Clauss:

  • Subject librarian at the KIT library for history, education, philosophy and psychology as well as project coordinator of various e-learning projects.
  • Main areas of work: Development and implementation of teaching and consulting services in the field of information literacy and writing skills as well as good scientific practice.


Alexandra Kwaśnicki:

  • Librarian who is part of the information literacy team at KIT library; involved in the creation of online courses on topics such as good scientific practice, literature searching and writing skills as part of the helpBW project.
  • Main focus: Scientific literature search & literature management.

28.10.2024 00:01 Uhr – 28.10.2024 23:59 Uhr (Versand Einführungsmail)