Event details

Lead and be led – An improvisation workshop to assess your own leadership role(s)

| LVNr.: 9005341 | Tagesworkshop (TW)
Format: Präsenz
Free places: 0
Lecturer: Starke Carrasco, Mirjam

Currently no registration possible!

Registration period lottery:

11.10.24 (12 noon) –

15.10.24 (12 noon)

If places are available – registration possible until:
Currently not possible

In the workshop, we learn to take up space through various exercises from improv theater, to express our own ideas loudly and clearly and, conversely, to give other people attention and space. Because as a leader, it is not only important to lead others. You should also be able to recognize when it is necessary to follow others in order to achieve a common goal. On this day, we will work with creative use of the body and try out different (leadership) roles.

In the duo exercises, in which each person can lead and follow at times, we will work with perception, breathing and voice exercises and experiment with storytelling (including Campell’s “hero’s journey”).
We will also work in small groups with scenic exercises from improv theater. These strengthen the participants’ self-confidence and encourage them to have the courage to get involved in unfamiliar situations. They also make it possible to experience leadership as a shared task (collaborative leadership), which appreciates that all ideas are fundamentally of equal value and can be developed together from the basic idea to the finished result.

The individual exercises enable students to develop a deeper understanding of their own leadership roles in the area of tension between leading and following. This also includes gaining a better awareness of themselves and others and learning that mistakes, detours and uncertainties are also part of achieving a common goal.

Workload for ECTS:
1 ECTS: active participation in the workshop + transfer task with reflection report.

Mirjam Starke Carrasco is a state-approved actress and works in various areas of the performing arts. In addition to her work in clowning, commedia dell’arte, classical and street theater, she has discovered her passion for improvisation.

Since 2022 she has been co-director of the Improtheater Karlsruhe and offers various courses on the subject of theater as well as workshops in the field of corporate theater. Her clients include DAX companies and local authorities as well as educational and social institutions. Her focus is on collaboration and idea development through acting methods. She uses voice and body work, scenic work as well as self and group reflection.

27.01.2025 09:00 Uhr – 27.01.2025 17:00 Uhr (Improtheater Karlsruhe, Gellertstr. 12)