Event details

Self-confidence training

| LVNr.: 9002230 | Block (B)
Format: Präsenz
Free places: 30
Lecturer: Schuka, Dirk
Wunder, Kristin
Hoffmann, Britta

Currently no registration possible!

Registration period lottery:

11.10.24 (12 noon) –

15.10.24 (12 noon)

If places are available – registration possible until:
29.01.25 08:00 UHR


The goal of the seminar is to increase your self-confidence. You will be exposed to challenging situations in a protected environment, which you will learn to master in order to emerge stronger. We will push you to your limits… Are you ready to move out of your comfort zone to discover your own potential?



  • Perception and shaping of interaction dynamics
  • getting to know and asserting your own and other people’s limits
  • dealing calmly with attacks
  • the environment as a trigger for inner experience
  • self-esteem, self-care, self-confidence
  • Performance in front of an audience and dealing with nervousness
  • physical and vocal presence
  • grounding, center, strength



  • Individual work on personal situations
  • role plays
  • trust exercises
  • challenging tasks in front of the group
  • improvisation and expression exercises
  • work with body, breathing, voice
  • Self-reflection and mutual feedback


Participation requirement:

We need your openness to engage with us and the process – even in difficult situations. But we also want you to be mindful of yourself and to communicate at any time when something becomes too much.


Workload for ECTS:

2 ECTS: continuous active participation + reflection report (approx. 5 pages)
3 ECTS: additionally master challenging situation (more about this in the seminar)



Dirk Schuka is a freelance communication trainer. He has done research in philosophy on bodily patterns of action and has taught various forms of movement. His work is body-based and developmental.

Kristin Wunder: B.A./M.A. studies in speech science/rhetoric/pedagogy/psychology, DGT dance therapist, HP psychotherapist, INMEDIO mediator, trainer for rhetoric, presentation, communication, bodywork, voice, conflict management, conversation skills

30.01.2025 11:00 Uhr – 30.01.2025 19:00 Uhr (30.95 Seminarraum Forum)
31.01.2025 09:00 Uhr – 31.01.2025 17:00 Uhr (30.95 Seminarraum Forum)
01.02.2025 09:00 Uhr – 01.02.2025 17:00 Uhr (30.95 Seminarraum Forum)