Event details

Body language and body expression

| LVNr.: 9002100 | Seminar (S)
Format: Präsenz
Free places: 30
Lecturer: Schuka, Dirk

Currently no registration possible!

Registration period lottery:

11.10.24 (12 noon) –

15.10.24 (12 noon)

If places are available – registration possible until:
18.12.24 08:00 UHR


In this practical seminar, we train in many exercises the differentiated perception of one’s own body and the physical signals of other people in order to use the skills of non-verbal expression for a diverse and lively appearance in private/professional life.


  • Body awareness and physical presence
  • Posture, gestures, facial expressions, gaze, movement qualities
  • Posture, alignment and extension
  • Relaxation and dealing with uncertainty
  • Consistency of body, voice and language
  • Making non-verbal contact and shaping interactions


  • Individual work and individual tips for specific situations
  • Exchange and feedback on self-perception and perception of others
  • Physical exercises, partner exercises
  • Role plays
  • Feedback on your own impact and that of others
  • Improvisation exercises
  • Exercises to train perception and spontaneous expression

Prerequisites for participation:

We need your active participation and openness to try out new things in order to get involved in your non-verbal learning process or to move out of your own comfort zone.

Workload for ECTS:

2 ECTS: continuous, active participation + reflection report (approx. 5 pages, to be submitted one month after the end of the seminar)

3 ECTS: additional practical task after the seminar (more on this in the seminar)


Kristin Wunder: B.A./M.A. studies in speech science/rhetoric/pedagogy/psychology, DGT dance therapist, HP psychotherapist, INMEDIO mediator, trainer for rhetoric/presentation/communication/bodywork/voice/conflict management/conversation management

19.12.2024 11:00 Uhr – 19.12.2024 19:00 Uhr (30.95 Seminarraum Forum)
20.12.2024 09:00 Uhr – 20.12.2024 17:00 Uhr (30.95 Seminarraum Forum)
21.12.2024 09:00 Uhr – 21.12.2024 17:00 Uhr (30.95 Seminarraum Forum)