Event details

Presenting with the “Elevator Pitch”

| LVNr.: 9002237 | Tagesworkshop (TW)
Format: Präsenz
Free places: 25
Lecturer: Geraets, Daniela

Currently no registration possible!

Registration period lottery:

11.10.24 (12 noon) –

15.10.24 (12 noon)

If places are available – registration possible until:
13.01.25 08:00 UHR


The goal of the workshop is that you will be able to present an effective very good Elevator Pitch, as well as know the background of this very special form of presentation and be able to apply it in many future situations.

You will develop at least one personal Elevator Pitch. This pitch will be presented in plenary session and feedback will be given. A video analysis is also offered to help you understand and improve your own impact.

You will be able to present yourself charismatically and effectively in a quick 60 seconds with your personal elevator pitch after this workshop.



  • Elevator Pitch: What is it?, Why does it exist?, What is it good for?, How does it work exactly? (Learn backgrounds, structure, ideas and approaches as well as modes of impact).
  • Designing 60 effective seconds.
  • Learning to present with charisma (body language and rhetoric).
  • Development of the personal Elevator Pitch: charismatic, effective, precise to the point presentation.
  • Testing in front of the plenum incl. feedback and video analysis.



  • Input sessions on the Elevator Pitch.
  • Discussion and exchange.
  • Individual work on your personal Elevator Pitch.
  • Presentation of your Elevator Pitch.
  • Group feedback and, if desired, individual feedback.
  • Video analysis.
  • Self-reflection and mutual feedback.


Participation requirement:

Desire to learn, desire to present in front of the group, desire to develop your personality, desire for feedback and desire for new challenges in a special setting.


Workload for ECTS:

1 ECTS: active participation in the workshop + reflection report (approx. 5 pages).



As a graduated banker, certified business trainer and trained entrepreneur coach (solution-focused and systemic coaching), I am an expert in soft-skills. These have an equally enormous value next to the professional orientation, especially when working with people. Whether in business, in NPO’s or in private life, these skills are often in demand in order to appear successful and charismatic, to be recognized or simply to appear good. My seminars are structured interactively, with many individual and group exercises, self-reflections and conversations. Students are given the opportunity to address their questions, issues and experiences in a protected setting and to develop strategies on how to manage their everyday life more effectively.

14.01.2025 09:00 Uhr – 14.01.2025 17:00 Uhr (30.95 Seminarraum Forum)