Event details

Communicating limits – with a good feeling

| LVNr.: 9002366 | Tagesworkshop (TW)
Format: Präsenz
Free places: 24
Lecturer: Schuka, Dirk

Currently no registration possible!

Registration period lottery:

11.10.24 (12 noon) –

15.10.24 (12 noon)

If places are available – registration possible until:
12.12.24 08:00 UHR


Through practical exercises, you will improve the basic ability to perceive your own and others’ boundaries and deal with them consciously in encounters. This skill can be applied in a variety of personal and professional situations.



  • Holding your personal space and filling it
  • Perceiving and expressing your boundaries
  • Dealing with other people’s reactions to you
  • Being clear, open and approachable at the same time




I often set physical tasks that you work on alone, with partner:in and in the group, and sometimes present in front of the others. You will give each other feedback so that you can work on your communication style beyond the seminar. Non-verbal communication and a physical approach play an essential role.


Participation requirements:

Please bring joy in trying out and sharing!


Work Expenditure:

1 ECTS: continuous participation and active contribution + reflection report (approx. 3 pages) until one month after the end of the seminar.



Dirk Schuka is a freelance trainer, active in the fields of education, health, social affairs, with a focus on body language, physical presence and communication. More information at www.dirkschuka.de

13.12.2024 11:00 Uhr – 13.12.2024 19:00 Uhr (30.95 Seminarraum Forum)